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PC Version(Windows Style)
How to download and install the "Zioyou Talk" app from Android Market on cellphone.

Run the Play Store.
Touch the icon on the home screen or main menu
Run the "Search" menu of Play Store.
Touch the "Search menu at the top right on Play Store page.
 Run the "Search" menu of Play Store.
Touch the "Zioyou Talk" application as the result of searching "Zioyou", "Groupware", "Zioyou Talk", and "Flow" in Searching bar
 Install the application.
After touching the "Agree and Download" button appeared by touching the "Install" button on the app introduction page, the installation proceeds.

Installation completed.
After completion of installation, by clicking the icon created on the home screen, run the application.
 Icon setting on home screen
If touch and hold the application icon installed in the main menu, shortcut will be create in the home screen
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