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Introduction Function Information download
One to One Chat  
 Click the connections tab at the bottom.
Click the contact on connections tab.
 Click the 1:1 dialog.
If the contact's information pops up, click a 1:1 dialog.
 Real-time conversation is possible.
PC version of a message rather than type of conversation in the same manner as real-time conversation is possible.
 Check a list of chat rooms.
Possible to check the list of involved chat room.
One to Many Chat
 Click the connections tab at the bottom.
Click the organization on connections tab.
 In an organization, click contact's department.
Click an organization that includes a contact.
 Click conversation partner.
Click conversation partner.
 Possible to check the conversation partner.
After checking the conversation partner in a chat room, click Apply.
 Check once more through the conversation pop-up window.
Possible to check one more the list of conversation partners.
 Multi-conversation with multiple speakers is available.
Real-time conversation with Multiple speakers is available.
 Check the list of chat rooms.
Possible to check one to many chat in the list of chat rooms.
 List of post rooms
 Click the conversation tab at the bottom.
Click the conversation tab at the bottom.
 Possible to change display of a list of post rooms.
Possible to change with display method of recent conversation order & alphabetical post rooms list.
 Entering the post room.
Re-entry by clicking the post room you want conversation again from the list is available.
 Conversation is available.
Checking the existing contents when the real-time chat features are available.
 Conversation tab is also possible to delete the dialog list.
Click the arrow of a post room you want to delete from the list.
 Deletion check as a pop-up will determine whether to delete.
Decides whether to delete, and "delete confirmation" through pop-up window.
 Dialog will be excluded from the list.
Deleted chat rooms are excluded from the chat list.
 Transmission Files
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Be able to enter the room through post room lists on conversations tab.
 Click the file to be transferred.
f there exists the file to receive, click the file.
 Determine whether to download the file.
Click to determine whether a file is downloaded.
 Download the received file using "Daboyeo" apps.
Download the received file using "Daboyeo" apps.
 Make sure the downloaded documents.
Possible to check received file using "Daboyeo" apps.
 Push offline chat
 Log-in "Zioyou Talk"
The new conversation is possible to check through conversation tab simultaneously with "Zioyou Talk" log-in.
 Click the conversation tab at the bottom.
Check the new conversation list on conversation tab.
 Check a new conversation.
Check the contents of conversation by clicking a new conversation in conversation list.
 Make sure that the new conversation posts reduced.
Post a new conversation check posts were reduced at the same time as the new conversation is checked
 Searching on Twitter
 Click the connections tab at the bottom.
Click the twit on connections tab.
 Check the twit.
Possible to check the contents of twit in real time.
 Use the twit search engines.
Search by putting in the search box what you want is available.
 Check the contents retrieved.
Make sure the content retrieved.
HQ : 105, 197-5Samsung IT Valley, Guro-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea
Institute : 1F, 2F Zioyou B/D, 673-2 YuBang-dong, Chuin-gu, Young-in City, Kyunggi-do, Korea TEL : 82-70-7094-6400~9 / FAX : 82-2-6918-4006 / E-Mail : master@zioyou.com
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