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Home >Introduction
For your own use of groupware, recently emerging framework that supports smart collaboration tools became an "ZioYou Talk".
"ZioYou Talk" smart communications device that can take advantage of the best collaboration tool. PC WEB existing collaboration tools in the environment, based on the functions were optimized for mobile instant messaging feature has been added to the conversation. VoIP (Internet phone) in conjunction with call recording can be checked directly from a smartphone. By making hybrid apps, smartphone application form can be downloaded and installed the internal features to HTML5 because the scale is easy to manufacture. Now, the format is not supported, mobile, 4G, LTE fit, can be used effectively is a collaboration tool designed for smart phones.  
HQ : 105, 197-5Samsung IT Valley, Guro-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea
Institute : 1F, 2F Zioyou B/D, 673-2 YuBang-dong, Chuin-gu, Young-in City, Kyunggi-do, Korea TEL : 82-70-7094-6400~9 / FAX : 82-2-6918-4006 / E-Mail : master@zioyou.com
중국 : 上海智悟有软件科技有限公司 版权所有 严禁复制 2000-2011 ICP:沪ICP备10207669号
地址:上海市闵行区金汇路先锋街25号2F-E室 / 电话: 021-6191-8502 / 传真:021-6191-6447
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