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Introduction Function Information download
 Click the connections tab at the bottom.
Click the person to check the location From the connections tab.
 If information window appears, click location view.
Click the location view in the pop-up information window.
 Possible to check the location of the other party.
The location of the other party will be displayed on map.
 Click the location display method
Possible to check from a choice of Location map or satellite view.
Shake phone
 Click the Settings tab on the bottom.
Click the general / security settings on the setting tab.
 Check the setting of phone shaking.
Check the setting of phone shaking.
 Determine whether or not to set phone shaking.
Determine whether or not to set phone shaking.
 Now! Let's shake together.
Shaking your phone according to setting, it is possible to move to collaboration menu automatically.
 Send sms on phone
 Click the connections tab at the bottom.
Click the person to send sms from the connections tab.
 If information window appears, click the sending sms.
Click the sending sms in the pop-up information window.
 Send a sms.
Fill in information and send it.
 Move to groupware page.
After sending sms, move to a previous page automatically.
 Dialing on phone
 Click the contacts tab at the bottom.
Click the person to dial on phone from the contacts tab.
 Click the call in information window.
Click the call in the pop-up information window.
 Move to calls screen.
After checking the phone number and clicking the call button, the phone connection is available.
 Move to groupware page.
After the call is completed, move to a previous page automatically.
 Import phone address
 Click the connections tab at the bottom.
If you select the cell phone on connections tab, stored connections on cell phone list up.
 Click the contact target.
Click on the subjects to be contacted.
 If information window appears, click the feature to be run.
If information window appears, only the call and sending sms are possible
 Move to call screen.
Checking the number and clicking the call button, the call is available.
HQ : 105, 197-5Samsung IT Valley, Guro-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea
Institute : 1F, 2F Zioyou B/D, 673-2 YuBang-dong, Chuin-gu, Young-in City, Kyunggi-do, Korea TEL : 82-70-7094-6400~9 / FAX : 82-2-6918-4006 / E-Mail : master@zioyou.com
중국 : 上海智悟有软件科技有限公司 版权所有 严禁复制 2000-2011 ICP:沪ICP备10207669号
地址:上海市闵行区金汇路先锋街25号2F-E室 / 电话: 021-6191-8502 / 传真:021-6191-6447
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