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Collaboration Tools
My approval and verify documents
Received approval documents
Received reject documents
Sent approval documents
Sent reject documents
Distribute reception documents
Distribute reference documents
Distribute circulate documents
New email
Received email
Sent email
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Receiving fax
Scan files
P2P Job(Activity)
P2P Job(Worker)
One to One Chat
One to Many Chat
List of post rooms
Transmission Files
Push offline chat
Searching on Twitter
VoIP(Internet Phone)
VoIP(Internet Phone)
Phone Function
Shake phone
Send sms on phone
Dialing on phone
Import phone address
HQ : 105, 197-5Samsung IT Valley, Guro-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea
Institute : 1F, 2F Zioyou B/D, 673-2 YuBang-dong, Chuin-gu, Young-in City, Kyunggi-do, Korea TEL : 82-70-7094-6400~9 / FAX : 82-2-6918-4006 / E-Mail : master@zioyou.com
중국 : 上海智悟有软件科技有限公司 版权所有 严禁复制 2000-2011 ICP:沪ICP备10207669号
地址:上海市闵行区金汇路先锋街25号2F-E室 / 电话: 021-6191-8502 / 传真:021-6191-6447
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