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My approval and verify documents  
Click the colaborationtab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click "My approval and verify documents".
step1. Check "My approval and verify documents".
Check the new arrival approval and verify documents and click.
step1. Click approval.
Check the contents of approval documents and click approval.
step1. Make decision on approval window for decision.
Decision of Approval / Reject / hold for approval documents, and additional approval is available.
step1. Do you want to approve?
Recheck confirmation window for approval when you click to approval.
step1. It has been approved successfully.
Approval completion message is popped up.
step1. The list of "My approval and verify documents" will be reduced.
Approved or confirmed documents are excluded from the list.
Received approval documents
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click "Received approval documents".
step1. Check the newly arrived approval documents.
Check newly arrived approval documents and click it.
step1. Check the contents of the document.
Click Excel Download in order to check Excel documents.


Click to download "Daboyeo" app.

Download contents using "Daboyeo" app.

step1. Click to download "Daboyeo" app.
Download contents using "Daboyeo" app.
step1. Verify the contents of the downloaded approval document .
Possible to check the downloaded Excel file from "Daboyeo" app.
 Received reject documents
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click "Received reject documents".
step1. Check the newly arrived reject documents.
Check newly arrived reject documents and click it.
step1. Check the reject contents of the reject document.
Check the detail contents of reject documents.
step1. Check the contents of the reject document.
Scroll down to view item details directly to check the content of the body.
 Sent approval documents
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click "Sent approval documents".
step1. Click the approval documents of sent approval documents.
Check newly arrived documents and click it.
step1. Check the approval contents of the document.
Check the detail contents of approval documents.
step1. Click to download "Daboyeo" app. Download contents using "Daboyeo" app
step1. Click to download "Daboyeo" app.
Download contents using "Daboyeo" app
step1. Verify the contents of the downloaded approval document .
Possible to check the downloaded Excel file from "Daboyeo" app.
 Sent reject documents
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click "Sent reject documents".
step1. Check the reject document of sent reject documents.
Check newly arrived reject documents and click it.
step1. Check the reject contents of the reject document.
Check the detail contents of reject documents.
step1. Check the contents of the reject document.
Scroll down to view item details directly to check the content of the body.
 Distribute reception documents
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Distribute reception documents".
step1. Check the "Distribute reception documents" from the lists.
Check the "Distribute reception documents" from the lists and click the documents in order to check the contents.
step1. Check the contents of "Distribute reception documents"
Check the detail contents of the distribute document is available.
step1. Now! Let's shake together.
Shaking your phone according to setting after checking the document, it is possible to move to collaboration menu automatically.
 Distribute reference documents
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Distribute reference documents".
step1. Check the "Distribute reference documents" from the lists.
Check the "Distribute reference documents" from the lists and click the documents in order to check the contents.


Check the contents of "Distribute reference documents".

Check the detail contents of the distribute document is available.

step1. Can be moved to list the entire menu.
Moved to the entire menu of collaboration tab by clicking the "Move to entire menu list" at the bottom of the distribute reference document screen.
 Distribute circulate documents
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Distribute circulate documents".
step1. Check the "Distribute circulate documents" from the lists.
Check the "Distribute circulate documents" from the lists and click the documents in order to check the contents
step1. Check the contents of "Distribute circulate documents".
Check the detail contents of the distribute document is available.
step1. Check the contents of the distribute document.
Scroll down to view item details directly to check the content of the body.
 New email
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "New email".
step1. Check a list of "New email".
Checking a list of "New email", and click on the email to view the contents.
step1. Check the contents of the email.
Download of the contents and attachments is available.
step1. Confirming a email, it will be excluded from the list of "New email".
Possible to check that confirmed email is disappeared from the list of identified saepyeonjineun is possible.
 Received email

 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Received email".
step1. Check a list of "Received email".
Checking a list of "Received email", and click on the email to view the contents.
step1. Check the contents of the email.
Download of the contents and attachments is available.
step1. Check the email page-by-page.
Mail can be checked by moving to page by page.
 Sent email
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Sent email".
step1. Check a list of "Sent email".
Checking a list of "Sent email", and click on the email to view the contents.
step1. Check the contents of the email.
Check the contents of the email.
step1. Check the email page-by-page.
Mail can be checked by moving to page by page.
 Unread Posts
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Unread Posts".
step1. Check a list of "Unread Posts".
View of only "Unread Posts" is available.
step1. Check the contents of the "Unread Posts".
Check the contents of the "Unread Posts".
step1. Confirmed post will be excluded from the list.
Confirmed post will be excluded from the list.
 List of post rooms
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "List of post rooms".
step1. Check a "List of post rooms".
Viewing for the same lists of groupware and post room is available.
step1. Move to a detail category of the post room lists.
Check the post room lists with moving a detail category.
step1. Check the contents of post room lists.
Possible to check for various information such as the contents, read persons, statistics, and etc.
 Schedule for today
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Schedule for today".
step1. Check the schedule registered on a daily basis.
Check the schedule registered on a daily basis.
step1. Check the contents of schedules for today.
Possible to check for detail view by clicking the registered schedule for today.
step1. Preview of the "Schedule for today" is available.
Date can be moved to check the schedule in advance.
 Weekly schedule
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Weekly schedule".
step1. Check the schedule registered on a weekly basis.
Check the schedule registered on a weekly basis.
step1. Check the contents of "Weekly schedules."
Possible to check for detail view by clicking the registered "Weekly schedule"..
step1. Preview of the schedule is available.
Possible to check the schedule by moving to the specific schedule.
 Monthly schedule
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Monthly schedule".
step1. Check the schedule registered on a monthly basis.
Check the schedule for the specific month is available
step1. Click the scheduel to check the contents.
Possible to check for detail view by clicking the registered "Monthly schedule".
step1. Preview of the "Monthly schedule" is available.
"Monthly schedule" can be moved to check the schedule in advanced monthly.
 Receiving fax
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Click the "Receiving fax" on the entire menu of collaboration tab.
step1. Make sure the fax list.
Click the fax lists to check.
step1. Click the fax to check.
Click the fax to check
step1. View item details.
If details not visible in the view screen, click the "download for view".
step1. Run "Daboyeo" apps.
Download with using "Daboyeo" apps.
step1. Check the contents of fax.
Check the contents of fax with using "Daboyeo" apps.
 Scan files
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Scroll down on the entire menu of collaboration tab and click the "Scan files"
step1. Make sure the list of scan box.
Click the scan box including scanned documents.
step1. Click the scanned document.
Check the lists of scanned documents in scan box.
step1. Make sure the scanned document.
Click the scanned document.
 P2P Job(Activity)
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Click the "P2P Job(Activity)" on the entire menu of collaboration tab.
step1. Check the weekly work activities.
Check the weekly work activities of 2012.
step1. Preview of the weekly work activities is available.
Weekly work activities can be moved to check the work status in advanced.
step1. Make sure the work by clicking
The history of the work that you should check can be confirmed directly by clicking.
 P2P Job(Worker)
 Click the colaboration tab at the bottom.
Click the "P2P Job(Worker)" on the entire menu of collaboration tab.
step1. Click the worker.
Click on the worker that want to check.
step1. Make sure the work lists.
Check the work lists of the worker.
step1. Click the work that want to check.
The work of "P2P Job(Worker)" should check can be confirmed directly by clicking.
HQ : 105, 197-5Samsung IT Valley, Guro-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea
Institute : 1F, 2F Zioyou B/D, 673-2 YuBang-dong, Chuin-gu, Young-in City, Kyunggi-do, Korea TEL : 82-70-7094-6400~9 / FAX : 82-2-6918-4006 / E-Mail : master@zioyou.com
중국 : 上海智悟有软件科技有限公司 版权所有 严禁复制 2000-2011 ICP:沪ICP备10207669号
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